Amazing Growth in Number of Internet Users in Last 10 Years

Since there’s lots of looking back with the end of one year and the start of another I thought it would be interesting to look back a decade ago and share the (shocking to me) growth of people around the world using the internet.

According to Internet World Stats – just a decade ago, in June 2007 there were 1,173 million internet users – that was 17.8% of the world’s population.  Now just 10 years later, in June 2017 there were a reported 3,885 million internet users!   And that represents 51.7% of the world’s population…. staggering, rapid growth in a relatively short period of time.

What’s grown along with the increased use of internet technology is the increase in fraudulent attempts to hack your privacy or get your money.  It’s my continued mission in this new year to continue to help you become more secure using today’s technology tools.